A Shout-Out To Loyal Supporters!

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We couldn’t do it without you!

Here’s a roster of our 2023 donors. If you’re a supporter, and we missed you, email info@mendocinolandtrust.org. Also check the bottom category – “location unstated.”

Seven geographically and culturally distinct regions of Mendocino County (map, courtesy of the Community Foundation of Mendocino County)
Seven geographically and culturally distinct regions of Mendocino County (map, courtesy of the Community Foundation of Mendocino County)
Graphic listing MLT's 2023 Donors by area.

Want to join the ranks? Check out this link for how to become an MLT donor. Be the difference you want to see in the world!

Key to roster – “M” is a monthly Donor, “T” is a Trail Keeper, and the number in the anonymous column denotes the number of donors in that particular region who wish to remain anonymous.

Moved Harold and Sharon Lau to Mendo

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Image of article from newsletter featuring donor appreciation
Thanks again to all our supporters! Sign up for our newsletter with this link so you don’t miss out on fun events!

And, finally, a tip of the hat to our Trailkeepers. They have stepped up and adopted a trail and sometimes several. Check them out, and if you’re interested in becoming a Trailkeeper, visit this link.

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