Soirée A Huge Success!

The Mendocino Land Trust reached out for support last Saturday to develop six public access projects, and the community responded with a resounding yes!

MLT’s Sunset Soirée saw more than 60 attendees plus staff, enjoying a festive atmosphere with a silent auction, food by Pilón Kitchen, and live music by the Mendonesians.

Sixty-four auction items were up for grabs thanks to the generous donations of dozens of local businesses. Title Sponsor Thompson Gas led the way with additional donations from more than 15 corporate sponsors. A thank-you listing of backers can be seen on MLT’s website at this link. In all, more than 68 businesses and individuals contributed.

Not content to rest on its laurels of 47 years of work, MLT continues to advance its mission to conserve and restore habitat and provide public access to scenic places. The new public access sites can be seen at this link.

MLT Executive Director, Conrad Kramer deemed the Soirée a huge success.

“There was a lot of interest in the auction, the food and music were superb, and the crowd had fun.” And, Kramer notes, the event increased awareness and support of MLT’s newest efforts to expand public access, help connect trails, and conserve important natural and working land.

Kramer says the six projects represent “amazing opportunities. These sites will be spectacular places where locals and visitors can take a walk, travel the California Coastal Trail, and take in a sunset from a new, beautiful vantage point.”

Eight of 10 MLT board members were present, mixing with the crowd and serving adult beverages and making sure the crowd was having a good time. Board members Tina Batt, Ken Flannell, Tom Herman, Lorri Lagasse, Richard Shoemaker Megan Smithyman, and Richard Strom also helped secure the numerous auction items.