September MLT Outdoor Social Club
September MLT Outdoor Social Club
Ridgewood Ranch is located between Willits and Redwood Valley. It is a stunning area where one can appreciate Mendocino County’s rich agricultural history and wildlife habitat thriving side by side. In partnership with the landowners, MLT maintains two conservation easements on the ranch – one of which contains a surprising 33-acre grove of impressive old redwoods nestled in a wet spot amongst oak woodlands and ag lands. On September 10, MLT Staff will lead an evening outing to the redwood grove. We will talk about nocturnal wildlife (bats, owls, and more!) and watch the stars come out.
Please note this area is private property and use is only by special arrangement with the landowner.
Group size is limited to 20 people. Please register here. Want to learn more about Ridgewood Ranch? Click here.

El tamaño del grupo está limitado a 20 personas. Por favor regístrese aquí. ¿Quiere saber más sobre Ridgewood Ranch? Haga clic aquí.