June MLT Outdoor Social Club
June MLT Outdoor Social Club
Join the MLT Outdoor Social Club to learn about butterflies with MLT Staff and guest expert, Asa Spade. If you would like to come please RSVP by clicking here. We will meet in the Bruhel Point parking area at noon to learn about butterflies and see some specimens. Our guests are invited to join us on a one-mile walk on coastal bluffs and involve looking at pretty things that flutter by and taking in the gorgeous views.
Our guest expert for the day is Asa Spade. Asa is the Senior Biologist at Wynn Coastal Planning and Biology, a California Naturalist, and Master Gardener. He and his wife Teresa first became involved surveying for local butterflies after attending a USFWS training for volunteers documenting population trends of the Federally Endangered Behren’s silverspot butterfly at locations near Point Arena. After others had documented zero Behren’s silverspots for several years in a row, in 2010 Asa and Teresa observed at least seven individuals, including a mated pair, on their first attempt. Asa has been hooked on observing, photographing, and documenting butterflies ever since.