Conservation Conversations: Rails and Redwoods (View on YouTube)
March 1, 2021
UPDATE! Thanks to all who attended live on February 25. If you missed it, never fear, you can view it here:
February 9, 2021
The Mendocino Land Trust is excited to launch a series of Zoom “Conservation Conversations” in 2021. These are free talks for our supporters and community members. Attend via Zoom from the comfort of your home using your smartphone, computer or tablet.
Our very first CONSERVATION CONVERSATION will be presented by MLT’s own Lawrence Turner:
Rails and Redwoods: A brief history of local railroads and their influence on conservation in Mendocino County

Presented by Lawrence Turner, Senior Land Acquisition Project Manager
Thursday, February 25
7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. via Zoom
Come join Larry Turner, a sixth-generation Fort Bragg resident and avid train enthusiast, as he talks about conservation on lands that were once dominated by railroads and the logging industry. Larry will touch on the history of the Caspar Southfork and Eastern Railroad and its path along and impact on Hare Creek and Bunker Gulch. Larry will also explore the history of Crowley, a stop along the Skunk Line that was once a logging camp and is now surrounded by conserved land held by the Mendocino Land Trust.
Larry is an entertaining dinner party guest, so we encourage you to bring your dinner – participants will be on mute until a Q&A after the presentation. If you don’t turn on your video no one will see you chewing! Type your questions in the chat at any time, and we’ll save them up for Larry to answer after the featured presentation.
Want to attend but unsure how Zoom works? Email for light tech support.